Flagship Leadership Development Programmes 

Leading in Practice

  • Leading in Practice is a mastery building programme for middle and senior level leaders.
  • Participants work in squads to develop insights and mastery in vital practices for leaders through a series of masterclasses, reality based PracticeFields, business impact projects, and individual coaching workouts.
  • The Leading in Practice programme is available as a longer term hybrid development journey or as a high impact basecamp.

StepUp to Lead

  • StepUp to Lead is an introduction to effective leader practices for young bright talent to lead where they are.
  • This may suit emerging leaders and individual contributors who need to step up to lead in teams or spaces where they need to get things done with others.
  • The StepUp to Lead programme is available as a longer term hybrid development journey or as a high impact basecamp.

Making Teams Work

  • This programme will help teams to clarify their purpose, process and practices for achievement.
  • Teams will gain insights and skills in the behaviors and practices that drive team cohesion and effectiveness.
  • This will enable them to achieve bigger and better results together.

Adventures for Leaders

  • Adventures for Leaders are carefully curated development experiences for executive leaders.
  • They get the opportunity to refresh, refocus and reboot with a small group of peers, while experiencing memorable adventures at amazing outdoor locations.
  • This programme is also suitable as a collective development challenge for executive teams.

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